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Nova Lint Remover

Rs. 2150

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Delivery Time 3-5 Days
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    An electric lint remover, also known as a fabric shaver or lint shaver, is a handheld device designed to remove lint, fuzz, pills, and other unwanted fibers from clothing, upholstery, and fabrics. It is a convenient and effective tool for restoring the appearance of garments and fabrics that have become worn or pilled over time.

    The device typically consists of a motorized head with rotating blades or screens that gently shave off the lint and pills from the fabric's surface. It is designed to be used on a variety of fabrics, such as sweaters, coats, blankets, and furniture upholstery.

    How to use an electric lint remover:

    1. Preparation: Ensure that the fabric you want to treat is clean and dry. Plug in or charge the electric lint remover according to the manufacturer's instructions.

    2. Test Area: Before using the lint remover on a larger area, it's a good idea to test it on a small, inconspicuous area of the fabric to ensure that it doesn't damage or snag the material.

    3. Positioning: Hold the fabric taut with one hand, creating a flat surface for the lint remover to glide over.

    4. Gentle Passes: Turn on the lint remover and gently run it over the fabric in one direction. Avoid applying excessive pressure to prevent damaging the fabric. The device's blades or screens will capture and remove the lint and pills.

    5. Emptying the Container: Some lint removers have a lint collection container that needs to be emptied periodically. Check the manufacturer's instructions for guidance on how to do this.

    6. Repeat as Needed: Continue making gentle passes over the fabric until you've removed all the lint, fuzz, and pills from the desired areas.

    7. Aftercare: Once you've finished using the lint remover, you can give the fabric a light shake to remove any loose fibers. If necessary, you can also follow up with a lint roller to capture any remaining lint or fibers.

    Using an electric lint remover can significantly improve the appearance of your clothing and fabrics, making them look newer and more polished. However, it's important to use the device carefully and avoid pressing too hard on delicate fabrics to prevent any potential damage.

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    Lahore, Pakistan
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