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German Levitra Generika 20mg 4 Timing Delay Tablets For Men

₨. 2350 Rs. 4,500 (48% off)

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Availability In Stock
Delivery Time 3-5 Days
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    The Timing Tablets is a superb quality product specially formulated to reduce over-sensitivity & prolong sexual pleasure. The only product in the market with the magical Results. This delay Product will exert a calming effect to aid sexual confidence. This item can increase cell production, and produce lasting results.This is used to treat male sexual function problems (impotence or erectile dysfunction-ED).When it comes to matters of intimacy, confidence and satisfaction play a pivotal role. This is where this timing delay Medicine steps onto the stage, offering a solution that addresses concerns and empowers individuals to embrace their desires with renewed vigor. As you embark on a journey towards enhanced intimacy, let's explore the facets of this product and its significance in the realm of personal well-being.

    How To Use : 

    (1) Use 1 Tablets Before 30 Minutes of Intercourse

    (2) Eat the tablet with Milk / Juice / Water.

    (3) Don’t Eat Tablet with Tea.

    Key Point :

    It is recommended to use this before 30 minutes of intercourse With Milk.


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    Okara, Pakistan
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